
A current I flows in the anticlockwise direction through a square loop of side a lying in the xoy plane with its centre at the origin. The magnetic induction at the centre of the square loop is 

A) $\frac{2\sqrt{2}\mu_{0}I}{\pi a}\hat{e}_{x}$

B) $\frac{2\sqrt{2}\mu_{0}I}{\pi a}\hat{e}_{z}$

C) $\frac{2\sqrt{2}\mu_{0}I}{\pi a^{2}}\hat{e}_{z}$

D) $\frac{2\sqrt{2}\mu_{0}I}{\pi a^{2}}\hat{e}_{x}$


A potentiometer circuit shown in the figure is set up to measure emf of cell E. as the point p moves from X to Y , the galvanometer G shows deflections always in one direction, but the deflection decreases continuously until Y is reached. The balance point between X and Y  may be obtained by


A) decreasing the resistance R and decreasing V

B) decreasing the resistance R and increasing V

C) increasing the resistance R and increasing V

D) increasing the resistance R and decreasing V


The current density varies with radial distance r as J = ar2, in the cylindrical wire of radius R.The current passing through the wire between radial distance R/3 and R/2 is 

A) $\frac{65\pi a R^{4}}{2592}$

B) $\frac{25\pi a R^{4}}{72}$

C) $\frac{65 \pi a^{2} R^{3}}{2938}$

D) $\frac{81 \pi a^{2} R^{4}}{144}$


Two resistance equal at 0° c with a temperature coefficient of resistance  $\alpha_{1}$  and $\alpha_{2}$ joined in the series act as a single resistance coefficient in a circuit. The temperature coefficient of their single resistance will be

A) $\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{2}$

B) $\frac{\alpha_{1}\alpha_{2}}{\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{2}}$

C) $\frac{\alpha_{1}-\alpha_{2}}{2}$

D) $\frac{\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{2}}{2}$


 An iron rod of length 2 cm and cross-sectional area of 50 cm2 stretched by 0.5 mm, when a mass of 250 kg is hung from its lower end. young's modulus of iron rod is 

A) $19.6\times 10^{20}N/m^{2}$

B) $19.6\times 10^{18}N/m^{2}$

C) $19.6\times 10^{10}N/m^{2}$

D) $19.6\times 10^{15}N/m^{2}$
